Vehicle Management

Contactless Vehicle Check-In and Check-Out

Our solution supports contactless vehicle check-in and touchless vehicle check-out, enhancing safety and convenience for both drivers and fleet managers.

Fuel Management

Monitoring fuel usage and implementing strategies to optimize fuel efficiency, such as identifying fuel-wasting behaviors and promoting eco-friendly driving practices.

Enhance Operational Efficiency

Our SaaS vehicle management software is designed to enhance operational efficiency by providing real-time data and insights into your fleet's performance

Efficiently Control & Include a Vehicle

Effortlessly manage your vehicle fleet with our cutting-edge Vehicle Management Module. Designed for seamless operations, our software simplifies adding new vehicles and efficiently handling existing ones. Featuring intuitive interfaces, administrators can easily input vehicle details like make, model and registration number. Track assignments, usage and maintenance schedules with ease, ensuring optimal performance and regulatory compliance. Experience the power of contactless vehicle management and streamline your fleet operations with WiseOfficeDay's innovative solution.

vehicle lifecycle
Maintaince Repair

Efficient Vehicle Maintenance & Repairs

Efficiently managing and adding maintenance and repairs is made effortless with our dedicated Maintenance and Repairs Management Module. This module is meticulously designed to streamline the process of recording, scheduling and tracking maintenance tasks and repair activities for your organization's assets. With intuitive features and user-friendly interfaces, administrators can easily add maintenance and repair records, including details such as date, type of service, service provider and cost. Additionally, the module enables proactive maintenance scheduling, allowing for the creation of maintenance plans and automatic reminders for upcoming tasks. Whether it's routine inspections, preventive maintenance or unexpected repairs, our module ensures that all maintenance activities are documented, tracked and managed efficiently, leading to optimized asset performance and prolonged lifespan. Efficient management, maintenance, repairs, Maintenance and Repairs Management Module, recording, scheduling, tracking, repair activities, assets, intuitive features, user-friendly interfaces, maintenance records, repair records, service details, proactive maintenance scheduling, maintenance plans, automatic reminders, routine inspections, preventive maintenance, optimized asset performance.

Control the assignment of drivers for vehicles using our intuitive platform

Efficiently manage vehicle driver assignments with our intuitive vehicle management software designed for Saas-based vehicle management. Whether you're assigning drivers to company vehicles, tracking driver schedules or monitoring driver performance, our user-friendly tools streamline the entire process. With just a few clicks, you can easily assign drivers to specific vehicles, track driver availability and manage driver assignments based on workload and availability. Our intuitive interface allows you to view driver schedules, track driver hours and monitor driver performance metrics, ensuring compliance with regulations and optimizing fleet management efficiency.

Whether you're managing a small fleet or a large transportation operation, our platform simplifies driver assignment to vehicle, improves productivity and enhances overall operational efficiency.

driver assignment to vehicle
Vehicle Custom Feild

Custom Fields for Vehicle Management Software

Customize vehicle records effortlessly with our platform's flexible Vehicle Management Software. Tailored to meet your organization's unique needs, this functionality allows you to add custom fields to capture specific information related to your vehicles. Whether you need to track additional details such as vehicle specifications, insurance information or maintenance history, our user-friendly interface empowers you to create and manage custom fields seamlessly.

With simple drag-and-drop functionality, you can add fields for vehicle make, model, year, VIN number and more, ensuring comprehensive data collection. Our intuitive platform enables you to organize and display custom fields within vehicle records, providing easy access to vital information when you need it most. Experience the efficiency of Saas-based vehicle management with WiseOfficeDay.

Vehicle check in & Check out

Streamline vehicle check-in and check-out processes with our intuitive vehicle management software designed for efficient Saas-based vehicle management. Our user-friendly interface simplifies the process, allowing drivers or employees to seamlessly check vehicles in and out with just a few clicks. Whether it's for scheduled maintenance, assignments or returns, our platform provides a straightforward solution for tracking vehicle movements and ensuring accountability.

With built-in features such as contactless vehicle check-in and Touchless vehicle check-out, you can automate the process, reducing administrative overhead and minimizing errors. Additionally, our system records timestamps and logs all vehicle transactions, providing a comprehensive audit trail for compliance and reporting purposes. With fleet management functionalities and usage tracking, our platform enhances operational efficiency while ensuring compliance. Experience seamless vehicle management with WiseOfficeDay.

contactless vehicle check in

Ready To Join for an Overview of WiseOfficeDay Features.

WiseOfficeDay is technology designed to streamline core HR services and improve workforce productivity. It accomplishes these goals largely by automating labor-intensive administrative tasks and using analytics to drive business decisions.

What else does WiseOfficeDay have to offer?

WiseOfficeDay is ideal for many types of business. Mix and match any of the modules to suit your needs.

Leave Management

Leave Management

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Time Sheet Managements

Time Sheet Management

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Performance Management

Performance Management

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Payroll Management

Payroll Management

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Employee Management

Employee Management

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Company Management

Company Management

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Visitor Management

Visitor Management

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Vehicle Management

Vehicle Management

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Invoice Management

Invoice Management

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Helpdesk Management

Helpdesk Management

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Event Management

Event Management

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Access Management

Access Management

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Assest Management

Assest Management

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Your privacy is our responsibility

We believe that trust is paramount in a relationship. We do not own or sell your data, and we most certainly do not bank on advertising-based business models. The only way we make money is from the software license fees you pay us.

Its time to bring everyone under one umbrella and stay connected

WiseOfficeDay – Complete business solution suite for HRMS, Employee Management, Timesheet Management, Invoice Management, Asset Management, Leaves Management, Visitor Management, Event Management, Vehicle Management, Access Management. Elevate your employee's productivity and streamline business operations with our integrated suite of modules. Experience the future of contactless business management with WiseOfficeDay. It is designed to streamline your business, automate administrative tasks and use analytics to drive business decisions and improve your business profits.